10 ways to take care of your lips this winter

10 ways to take care of your lips this winter

Don’t Rub, Bite, Pick or Lick Your Lips 

Saliva is a notorious enemy, not a friend. However tempting and irresistible it may seem, You must resist the urge to do so. It makes your lips much worse. Saliva contains enzymes that dry out the lip skin! Especially when they are itchy or flaky instead, gently exfoliate with a mild Lip scrub to remove the dead skin cells. Try for distractions like a piece of chewing gum!

Drink loads of Water and Stay Hydrated

Any amount of lip care will fail to give effective results unless your skin is adequately hydrated. Drink plenty of water and hydrate yourself with juices and shakes! 

Avoid Excessive Chemicals in your Lip Routine

This could increase the risk of Lip Pigmentation. Check every ingredient before using the product and do a patch test before applying it wholesomely. Some chemicals suit a person and some do not. But do not get scared of it too! Excess is dangerous but just the right amount of chemicals get the job done effectively! 


Go for Organic and Skin Safe Ingredients

Choose products that contain organic, non-comedogenic, cruelty-free, and natural ingredients that are hydrating, skin-safe, and non-allergic! 

Follow a Daily Regimen, Cleanse, Exfoliate, Moisturize and Treat!

The key is to cleanse the lips and remove all the dust.

Then exfoliate it mildly to remove the dead skin cells and make the lip skin smoother.

Lock it away with a Lip Balm or Lip ButterMask to seal the moisture and keep your lips hydrated.

Protect them from Excessive Sun Exposure

Sun plays a major role in damaging lips! As much as vitamin D is essential for the body, UV rays make lips dull, dry, and pigmented! Protect them using an SPF to ensure that the UV rays do not harm them!


Have a healthy diet with all the key nutrients

You are what You eat, So eat responsibly such that it gives a boost to your lip care products from within and you have an upper head to heal lips much more efficiently!

Include vitamins, minerals, and zinc into your diet, and have a sound mind along with a healthy lifestyle to get desired results! 

Avoid Using a Matte Lipstick

Matte Lipsticks contain ingredients that dry out the lip skin! this could soak out all the moisture from your lips and make them chapped, especially when the weather is chilly!

Check on the Product’s Expiry Date

Certain chemicals have a shelf life of about a period; beyond that, they lose their chemical composition! Expired Products attract Bacteria, Fungi, etc, which harm and irritate the Lip skin, and can cause itching around the area. Be extra mindful if you have sensitive skin. Always check for expiration dates as well as manufacturing ones!

Use a Humidifier at home

Cold air sucks out the moisture from your skin and lips, which makes the skin dull, dry, flaky, and age prematurely.

Humidifiers add back moisture to the air and the skin! You can have it inside your room to maintain the humidity levels!